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Postby arziv on Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:40 pm

When we examine what substantiated evidence there exists for the basic claims of christianity, such claims as life in the "hereafter", the existence of hell , the existence of heaven, the existence of animated phantoms in the sky, and even the historical existence of its central figure, we find it difficult to unearth substantive and corroborative evidence.

They tell us that the sum total of the evidence is contained in the "gospels". The next question should be : who were the authors of these gospels ? . It does appear somewhat doubtful that there could have been a John, mathew,, Mark and Luke. Not much of historical background is offered about these individuals.

Another unsolved question, and never likely to see the light of day, is who authenticated these writings, these authors, when and why and how ?

The christian church, which in the first few centuries grew into the Roman catholic chirch, guaranteed it own "authenticity" and its own charter by a process of what is called "arguing in a circle". These never ending arguments lasted for more than 300 years. By 300 AD the christian movements did not have a written text or "Bible". At the council of Nicea , the church fathers were perforce gathered and garnered every sample of script and scribblings, dragged them and cobbled them together into what became the new testament. To it was patched the jewish "old testament" and now the church had a "bible, with Constantine ( a murderer and butcher) as a final arbiter.
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Joined: Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:48 am

Postby Hayazad on Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:25 pm

Christianity from its very inception was and is nothing more than a program. The agenda of this program is for the destruction of Aryan peoples (descended from the God known as "Ea") using occult powers, and for the eventual enslavement of all remaining races with the top Jews in total control. The Jews have been using black magick against the Gentiles who have been powerless to fight back, for centuries. This knowledge was forcefully and systematically removed from Aryan peoples by the "Inquisition" where Aryan priests and spiritual leaders such as the Druids and many others were tortured to death and murdered en masse. The White Race suffered the most with the "witch trials" where entire villages were nearly wiped out in Europe, namely Germany.

The Jews add insult to injury. They have had our own people screw themselves for centuries and do their destructive work against our race for them. Christianity has been one of their biggest and most lethal programs and tools to accomplish these ends. Look around you- Christianity is promoted at every turn. Billions upon Billions of dollars, psychic energy and effort have gone into pushing this lie on the public with no opposition whatsoever. The truth has been vehemently suppressed and kept financially broke. By cutting us off from our Gods and removing all knowledge, especially that concerning the soul, the mind, and psychic power from the Gentiles, the Jews have had us over a barrel for centuries and unless we empower ourselves NOW, our imminent destruction is near. Heinrich Himmler knew this and along with Adolf Hitler and other Third Reich leaders, he worked relentlessly to eradicate the Jewish program of Christianity from Germany.

One can argue the average Jew on the street is just as ignorant concerning this as are most Gentiles; the truth is- the Elders of Zion, the controlling Jewish families, and of course the Hasidic ultra-orthodox Jewish religious movement know all about this and keep it secret, even from most of their own people. They know when they drop the veil and obtain total control, their own will only be too happy to join them.

The Bible: A Jewish Conspiracy and Hoax on the Gentiles.

The Bible is a Jewish conspiracy. Christians are deluded under a powerful spell. Christianity is nothing more than a vicious program, with the goals of:

    Forcing the Gentiles to give up all occult knowledge and power so all psychic power is in the hands of select Jews for total control.
    Indoctrinating the the Gentile masses into pacifism and a slave-like mentality of servitude

    Encouraging the Gentiles into giving up all money and worldly goods which is funneled into the hands of the ruling Jews and their Gentile lackeys like Billy Graham

    Preparing the Gentile masses for a one world communist slave state with the ruling Jews in control.

    Channeling Gentile psychic energy and prayers into the "Second coming of Christ" which is in reality the Jewish Messiah as any working of the mind must have a connection.

    Cutting the Gentiles off from their own Tribal Gods and Demi-Gods, whose identities have been altered and replaced with fictitious Jewish characters. Our True Creator God has been denegrated, viciously and heinously insulted and blasphemed and relegated to the enemy of humanity

Exposing The Old Testament

Most christians and many others believe the Judeo-Christian Bible to be the word of "God." In truth, nearly everything within the bible was stolen from other religions that predated Judeo-Christianity by hundreds to thousands of years. The god "Yaweh/Jehova's" name was inserted, replacing the names of many other Gods. "Jehova" is fictitious. The name "Jehova" was stolen from the Roman God ''Jove''. "The pious Dr. Parkhurst. . . proves, from the authority of Diodorus Siculus, Varro, St. Augustine, etc., that the Iao, Jehova, or ieue, or ie of the Jews was the Jove of the Latins and Etruscans..." "YHWH/IEUE was additionally the Egyptian Sun God Ra: Ra was the father in heaven, who has the title of 'Huhi' the eternal, from which the Hebrews derived the name 'Ihuh.'" "Jewish mystical tradition viewed the original Jehova as an androgyne, his/her name compounded as Jah (jod) and the pre-hebraic name of Eve, Havah, or Hawah, rendered he-vau-he in Hebrew letters. The four letters together made the sacred tetragrammaton, YHWH, the secret name of God..."¹ We can also see where the antagonistic story of Zeus (Jove) and Prometheus was used to promote the concept of a rebellious God who was condemned and ostracized for bringing knowledge to humanity.

Humanity's original religion was polytheistic (having many different Gods). In the original Hebrew bible, the word "Elohim" is used. "In spite of the monotheistic endeavors of the compilers and editors of the book of Genesis, struggling to proclaim faith in a sole diety in a world that in those days believed in many gods, there remain numerous slip-ups where the biblical narrative speaks of gods in the plural. The very term for 'diety,' (when the Lord is not specifically named as Yaweh), is not the singular El but the plural Elohim. The Catholic Encyclopedia provides nothing but doubletalk and no concrete answers. There was no concept of the good/evil duality until the emergence of Zoroastrianism claimed by scholars to have been founded between 1400 and 1000 BCE. (Zoroastrian tradition claims Zarathustra lived between the early 600's and the mid 500's BCE) Here, the fundamentally Vedic belief of salvation suddenly came to assume great importance. Two opposites "Ahura Mazda" representing "good" and "Angra Manyu" representing "evil" appeared with Zarathustra's vision of Ahura Mazda. There is constant conflict between the two dieties, much like the later acount of jehova and Satan. In some accounts, Ahura Mazda had twin sons "Angra Manyu" (evil) and "Spenta Mainyu" (good). Another of the plethora of trinities predating Christianity.

The basis of Christianity was stolen from the duality of Zoroastrianism, which preceded the christian religion by centuries. Yaweh/Jehova replaced Ahura Mazda, and the Old Gods who were the Original Gods were labeled as "evil" in order to establish the supreme monotheism of Yaweh/Jehova. The Original Gods were turned into Demons and monsters which represented evil.

Mithra, the celestial intermediary between Ahura Mazda and Angra Manyu has numerous striking parallels with the christian jesus. Mithra was a savior, who like the jesus was announced by prophets, whose birth took place in a cave (many accounts of the birth of the jesus claim that he also was born in a cave), and the appearance of an exceptional star. Mithra would later supplant Vishnu, who in pre-Zoroastrianism Vedism had been the world's savior.

The New Testament and the Christian Religion


The resurrection is a common theme found in numerous completely different religions throughout the world. Symbolic of a descent to the underworld and a later return. Ishtar's/Inanna's descent and return (she was resurrected from the dead), Osiris, Siva's death and resurrection, Persephone's descent into the underworld and return, the list goes on and on and is based upon the seasons. The dark half, dead part of the year (winter) and the light half, growing season of the year (summer). This theme has been repeated over and over again in nearly every religion preceding xianity. Christianity is a very new religion in comparison to other religions it stole from that predated it by thousands of years.


    Anu, Enlil and Ea- the christian church stole their "God the Father," "God the Son" from this one.
    Bel-Saturn, Jupiter-Bel, and Baal-Chom.
    Brahma, Vishnu and Siva
    Mithra, Varuna and Indra
    Jupiter, Juno and Minerva
    Osiris, Isis, and Horus
    Three-bodied goddess Hecate
    Three-headed Scylla
    Triune divinities of the Cabiri.
    Three-headed Dog, Cerberus
    Judaism, Christianity and Islam (the three religions of monotheism)
    Taoism: the trinity San Qing (Three Pure Gods). Yu Qing (Jade Pure) Shang Qing (Upper Pure) and Tai Qing (Great Pure)
    Monju Bosatsu, Fugen Bosatsu and the historical Buddha called the "Shaka Trinity" (SHAKA SANZON)
    Ka (Spirit or Ether), Ba (Body), and the Ankh (Immortality)
    Tamas (Stability) Sattwa (orderliness) Rajas (Restlessness) from the "Guna" Sanskrit translation
    Artemis, Aphrodite and Hecate
    Kore, Persephone and Demeter
    Shen (Spirit), C'hi (Vitality) and Ching (Essence) the three treasures of Taoist Wai Tai (internal alchemy)
    Alpha, Omega and Iota
    The Devil's Trident

The list can go on and on and on and on.

YHVH: The Truth About "Yaweh" "Jehova"

Taking the Mask Off of Christianity

The Christian Bible has always used extreme fear as a tool to keep people away from the occult, sorcery, "witchcraft,” and workings of the mind. In the article below, the reasons are obvious. In order for a spell to succeed, the victim must lack the necessary knowledge, be a good sheep, and just "believe."

Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

"YHVH" aka "Yaweh" "Jehova" is nothing more than a system of Jewish magick. "YHVH" known as the "tetragammaton" represents the four corners and elements, as does "INRI" along with the four gospels; these represent the four corners of magick and the four elements that are so important in any magickal working. "YHVH" is used extensively in (Jewish) magick. The Jews stole the Kabalah from the Egyptians and corrupted it. It is mainly chanted- "Yod Heh Vau Heh" in different combinations.

The Gentile people have been force fed Christianity in order to strip us of all knowledge and power. Those at the top play both sides against the middle. What this means is the enemy works from within both sides- each side bashing the other while they both move ahead. This is analogous to a cop who is heavily involved in an open and public anti-drug crusade and secretly sells and pushes drugs unbeknownst to his family and community.

Following the Roman sacking of the Temple of Solomon 70 CE, Christianity was invented by the Jews the best known is (Paul aka "Saul of Tarsus) so they could control the world using the ancient known powers of the mind and the soul. The Jews themselves know Jesus is a fictitious character based upon some 20 crucified heroes from Pagan pantheons. With the centuries of devout belief in this entity and the psychic energy poured into him through prayer, he has taken on a life of his own. See Thoughtforms. For example, Odin hung from a tree, Set was crucified on a furka, Buddha sat beneath the Bo (Boa- again the serpent) tree for enlightenment; the list goes on. Most of the character of Jesus was stolen from the Persian God "Mithra." In working a spell, it is always important a connection be made.

In the case of Christianity, all of the former Pagan (Gentile) Gods were bound and replaced with fictitious Jewish deities. The Hebrew Virgin Mary replaced Astaroth, the Hebrew Moses legend was stolen from Sargon (both were born in secrecy, left in a reed basket to float down the river and adopted by royalty), Hebrew Abraham was stolen from Hindu Brahma. "Brahma in Sanskrit means "many." The endless list goes on and on. There isn't anything in the Christian religion that hasn't been stolen from Pagan religions pre-dating it from hundreds to thousands of years. The Pagan Gods, being a powerful racial memory in the minds of Gentiles were replaced with Hebrew characters to be slavishly obeyed and worshipped. This set the stage for immense power and control.

Christianity has always been nothing more than a tool to remove spiritual knowledge and power from the Gentile population and to keep us from our Gods, namely our True Creator God given the name Ea. Those Gentiles who were priests and leaders were tortured and put to death. The others who did not follow suffered the same lot and any Gentile even suspected of having ties to the old religions was labeled as a "heretic" and put to death. Of course, the Jews rant and holler concerning the Christian Church's persecution of their small communities during the Middle Ages, but this is the age old playing both sides against the middle and those Jews at the top could care less how many of their own they have to use. Tomás de Torquemada, First Grand Inquisitor of Spain was a Jew.

The Jews have had full control of the Catholic Church (original Christian Church) from the beginning. Most of the Catholic popes were of Jewish origins, such as the late John Paul II who was born of a Jewish mother (Katz) and recognized as a Jew by the Jewish orthodox. I was raised Catholic and I can remember the Jewish bishops such as the late Fulton J. Sheen (variation of 'sheeny') and other high ranking Catholic Clergy- looking back I can identify Jews and remember them vividly. Through the Catholic sacrament of confession, the Catholic clergy had everyone, namely the Gentile leaders and nobility over a barrel. They knew their deepest and darkest secrets. The Catholic Church is the bulwark of Christianity. Since the Protestant reformation, the Jews have also gained control of these sects. The "World Council of Churches" is another example.

The Jews have had a vast pool of psychic energy from which to draw from. The Jews appointed themselves as "The Chosen of God," the star character of Christianity, Jesus is a Jew (and a powerful thoughtform), the Virgin Mary and her husband Joseph are Jews, the 12 apostles of Jesus (13 makes a coven- again stolen from the Ancient Pagan religions)- all Jews. In addition, all of the characters of the Old and New Testament were stolen from Gentile characters and replaced as the "Chosen" Jews.

so the average Christian Gentile, ignorant to the clandestine workings of the Jews and the occult, pours more and more psychic energy through devotion and prayer into this Jewish energy vortex and people wonder how this minority has most of the world's wealth and power. The Gentiles, namely the Christians have been under a very powerful spell for centuries.

They cut us off from our Gods, our traditions and our spiritual and religious heritage through mass murder, replacing our history with nothing but lies and through fear of the unknown since all Gentile knowledge was taken out of circulation.

Their angelic filth- most have names with the classic seven letters: Gabriel, Raphael, etc. These seven represent the seven chakras and were used to bind the Gentile Gods and make slaves of them using the "Goetia." The Goetic black books or "grimoires" all originated with the Jews, such as "The Key of Solomon," and "The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage" and many more, (these can easily be found online, by typing their titles into a search engine) all originally written in Hebrew as most Gentiles cannot read Hebrew. All use the Hebrew symbols and chants and direct intense blasphemy against the Gentile Gods who have been turned into devils, demons and hideous monsters to be degraded.

Christianity goes in steps. Because it is fictitious, it is spiritually unreliable. Certain Christians have at times tapped into this energy vortex and obtained results. Prayer groups and such put forth psychic energy. Deluded Christians are told to "have faith." Having faith is necessary for any spell or directed working of the mind to succeed. With Christianity, it is hit and mostly misses. The few and far in-between hits keep the deluded believing, unknowing this is not any "miracle" but only the power of the mind. The end objective is atheism. The atheist believes in nothing and disregards anything "supernatural" or of the occult. He/she is a sitting duck just waiting to be manipulated by those who possess occult knowledge and power.

How the Jews Deceive

The Jewish powers that be play both sides against the middle and fool the public. On the one hand, they claim to be against Christianity. The reason for this is because they known they invented it as a powerful program for the "goyim" so they pretend to hate it and be victims of it. This fools many, as with the deluded "Christian Identity" program.

This is no different than the Vatican openly bashing communism when behind the scenes and under the table, they are working for it. This fools the unsuspecting public. The entire theme of the Judeo/Christian Bible from beginning to end is one of communist doctrine.

In a professional interrogation room, they have the nice guy and the tough guy who come in and work to get information from the one being interrogated. The tough guy will beat him and threaten him and the nice guy will then come in and act all understanding. Both are working on the same side- same as with the Christian leaders and the top Jews.

Frequently, a show before the public must be staged to reinforce the lie. That "foul religion" the Jews wrote of in the talmud and in the protocols was Paganism. They have already destroyed and replaced it with their program of Christianity. The average Jew has an IQ of 135. This is in the top 2% of the population. Many Gentiles underestimate them.

"Christian/s" is their code word for Gentile/s in the protocols and in the talmud. This adds insult to injury. Many Gentiles who do not understand this are deluded into believing because the Jews supposedly want to destroy Christianity, it must in some way have truth and be worthwhile. Nothing could be further from the truth! This just adds to the deception and the fictitious concept that Christianity and Judaism are enemies. The Christian religion has its roots in Judaism. Fools with lesser intelligence try to rationalize and claim these Jewish characters such as the nazarene are not Jewish, but Gentile. This is also because they are under a powerful spell and have little understanding of the occult and fall prey right into the hands of the Jews. One only has to look at biblical scripture and see these Jewish characters for what they are.

All of the Gentile Gods and Goddesses were replaced with fictitous Jewish characters and archetypes, having their original personalities distorted and replaced with Jewish characteristics. It is not Jesus who is blasphemed in the talmud, but Lucifer. The same as with the Virgin Madonna, it is the "Demoness" Astaroth whom the Jews call a "boshet" which means "slut/whore" in Hebrew. The Hebrew Virgin replaced Astaroth. One only has to study the Jewish Kabbalah to see this is true. In the Talmud, it is written that any Jew who teaches a Gentile the secrets of the Jewish holy books will be put to death. (Sanhedrin 59a) "Hence the Talmud prohibited the teaching to a Gentile of the Torah, "the inheritance of the congregation of Jacob" (Deut. xxxiii. 4). R. Johanan says of one so teaching: "Such a person deserves death" "It is like placing an obstacle before the blind" (Sanh. 59a; Hag. 13a)." The Gentile Gods are relegated to the Jewish "Qlippoth" of death, excrement and degeneration.

The Jews are masters of deception and psychology. One only needs to look to where the money and publicity are at to see what they are behind. What is being pushed on the public? Who has the power? It is easy to see Christianity is a Jewish program when one knows the Jews and their tactics. The problem is- many actually fall for deception and think the Jews are working to destroy Christianity, which is not the case. They invented it, they are behind it and they promote it and 'heaven' forbid the Gentiles whould wake up to this fact! Christianity is a stepping off point to atheism. When one is a total atheist, one is no longer a threat to the Jewish powers that be, as one does not acknowledge the occult or believe in such things and the Jews are free to use these powers unchecked for their nefarious purposes to enslave the world.

Centuries ago, the Gentile Pagan religions such as Druidism were resources of powerful occult knowledge. The Jews used Chrisitanity as their tool to remove this knowledge from the Gentiles and mass murder their priests and spiritual leaders. The "Devil" became synonymous with knowledge and knowledge was supposed to be a "sin" according to the Christian doctrines. The Jews who are known as "people of the book" knew otherwise. In order to maintain rule over slaves, the slaves must be kept ignorant. Spiritual knowledge was forcibly removed from the Gentile populace and replaced with twisted corruptions of Gentile Gods who became Jewish archetypes, Gentile mantras (chants and vocal vibrations to advance the soul and amplify the powers of the mind) were replaced with meaningless robotic prayers, Gentile magickal practices were corrupted- such as the four corners/elements which are the foundation of magick, represented by the equal armed cross were replaced by the Latin cross with Jesus hanging on it. Jesus fulfilled several purposes. For one, this fictitious character (the jews know he is fictitious, so it is glaringly obvious they would not devote pages and pages of their talmud to blaspheming *him*) acted as a distraction for the Gentile people. By believing this character "saves" and "died for our sins" there is no need to study or have any knowledge of the occult. The occult can be kept safely in the hands of the Jewish powers that be. Gentiles are taught to "have faith" and not question. Christianity in addition to being a communist doctrine, conditions its followers to take abuse and be slaves. "Turn the other cheek" "Walk the extra mile" and other suicidal advice such as the "Sermon on the Mount" are intended to destroy the Gentile spirit.

Secondly, Jesus is definitely a Jewish character. He was circumcised and named on the eighth day in the temple by a rabbi, which is Jewish custom (Luke 2:21); his parents celebrated "Passover" and he was bar mitzvahed at 12- Luke 2: 41 Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the passover. And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. His teachings were Jewish and he observed Jewish law.

"Yeshua not only taught others how to live a Jewish life, He lived it Himself. The outward signs of this were such things as wearing tzitzit (tassles) on His clothing (Luke 8:43, Matt. 14:36, Strong's # 2899) to serve as a reminder of the commandments (Num. 15:37-39). He observed Passover (John 2:13) and went up to Jerusalem (Deut. 16:16). He observed Succot (John 7:2, 10) and went up to Jerusalem (John 7:14). He also observed Hanukah (John 10:22) and probably Rosh haShanah (John 5:1), going up to Jerusalem on both those occasions as well, even though it isn't commanded in the Torah." (See reference at bottom)

This tie to Judaism was very important for this character. The Jews have had an obsession with the return of their "Messiah." When this "messiah" supposedly returns, the Jewish people are then supposed to be united and rule the world.

Now, anyone who has any knowledge of the workings of the mind or so-called "magick" knows the importance of having a connection as in "sympathetic magick." Gentile psychic energy which is very powerful has been loaded into this "Second coming of Christ" through prayer, belief, yearning to put an end to the suffering (very powerful-desire-), heaven on earth and so forth. This creates a gigantic vortex of energy unknowingly directed towards a common goal here. The Christian Gentiles, being stripped of all occult knowledge and power are puppets in the hands of the Jews. Jesus, being a professional victim, like any other Jew, has a Gentile following that claims the Jews had him "crucified." Now, this further adds to the tactic of playing both sides against the middle. The Jewish powers that be do not care what sacrifices they have to make in order to achieve their goals. Here we have Jew vs. Christian again. The enemy and the attacks are the driving force to keep the lie alive and thriving. Christianity must now be defended against the Jews. If it is being so viciously attacked, it must be legitimate, right? The truth is, it is all a show before the public and a game of deception. The Jews in power know full well Christianity is a program and a stepping off point to atheism where all spiritual knowledge will be dead and gone from the Gentile populace. There is nowhere for anyone to run.

It is time the Gentiles wake up to the truth and take back our occult power.

A Closer Look At the Judeo-Christian Hoax

Now I want to examine the old Judeo-Christian hoax as set forth in both the Old and the New Testament, since combined, they constitute the White Man’s bible. The bible in turn is the foundation of his religion, called Christianity, which has been such an unfortunate catastrophe for the Aryan Man during the last 2,000 years of his history.

The last thing the White Race needs for its survival is a collection of bad advice. This, however, is exactly what the Christian religion does give the White Man a multitude of just outright bad and suicidal advice that if followed, will most surely destroy those that embrace it. Christianity despises facts, it despises evidence and reasoning. It despises thinking men. It wants “believing” sheep. It loves gullible fools. Christ is quoted as saying, “Unless ye become like little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” It wants to reduce everyone to a simple childlike condition where they are easily duped and misled to believe just about anything. It wants to reduce the creative, productive, heroic and energetic White Race down to where they are meek and submissive fools, easily managed, easily controlled and easily enslaved.

Christianity is a treacherous mental snare. It rapes the minds of otherwise intelligent men.Once it has the majority under its control it then resorts to force, if necessary, to break and destroy those who will still insist upon thinking for themselves.

When that great early scientist, Galileo, in 1632 brought logical evidence to show that the earth revolved around the sun and that the sun itself was part of a vast inter-stellar system, it was the Christian church which immediately was aroused to stop this advance in scientific thinking. In the following year Galileo was summoned to Rome, where he was examined by the Inquisition, humiliated and forced to kneel before a vast assembly and renounce his findings. This is only one of the thousands of cases where the Christian religion used force and terror to stifle and paralyze the minds of thinking men.

Christianity thrives on lies. It has built a whole network of lies, one lay parlayed upon another, one lie designed to seemingly substantiate another, in and endless chain, until the average person is confused and so overwhelmed by the massiveness of it all that his is psychologically browbeaten into accepting the whole carload of lies as being God’s unalterable truth.

Here is one of the first and most obvious lies— one that even a child can see through— namely that every word in the bible was God’s unalterable word, being exactly as he has set it down and not a letter having been changed. It is obvious to even the most simple-minded person that the bible has been changed continuously and repeatedly. For instance, we have the Vulgate Edition of the bible for the Catholics, we have the King James Version for the “Fundamentalist” Christians, we have the Revised Standard Version for the more modern Christians, and just the other day I went to the bookstore and bought the New English bible which throws all the othersoverboard and puts it into a “more readable prose.” In going back to the encyclopedia I find that the bible has been translated from the Greek into the Latin, from the Latin into English, German, and a multitude of other languages. Whatever version these translations came out as was completely dependent upon the whim and interpretation of the translator.

In fact, the encyclopedia says further that the bible has, over the last 1,000 and some years of its existence, had more that 100,000 changes made in it, but then adds quickly and apologetically that only five percent of these were “significant.” It would seem to me that any changes in the “unalterable word of God” would be significant and 100,000 changes would render it a completely different animal, to say the least. But even taking the five percent figure as such, that would still make 5,000 significant changes spread over approximately 1,000 pages of the bible. That would leave 95 so-called “insignificant” changes and five significant changes per page. It doesn’t take a great deal of brains to conclude that the bible has certainly been changed continuously and significantly and to claim it has been unaltered from the very beginning is only one major lie in the whole chain to follow.

The whole network of the bible itself is shot through with contradictions and inconsistencies of what it says in itself, one part with another. In other words, the bible is continually contradicting itself and making a liar of itself. Not only that, but the whole story is so illogical and ludicrous that even as a teen-ager a number of perplexing questions arose in my mind. One of the first of these was that why, if God was such a kind and loving God, were most of the people that he had made with such tender loving care, were these people, by and large, all going to hell? It is still a good question, basic and fundamental, and it is one that no preacher, no matter how much double-talk he has given me, has ever successfully answered.

The whole network of the bible itself is shot through with contradictions and inconsistencies of what it says in itself, one part with another. In other words, the bible is continually contradicting itself and making a liar of itself. Not only that, but the whole story is so illogical and ludicrous that even as a teen-ager a number of perplexing questions arose in my mind. One of the first of these was that why, if God was such a kind and loving God, were most of the people that he had made with such tender loving care, were these people, by and large, all going to hell? It is still a good question, basic and fundamental, and it is one that no preacher, no matter how much double-talk he has given me, has ever successfully answered.
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Postby Armenian on Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:04 pm


Please realize that this type of <<globalist>> sponsored anti-Christian commentary only manages to divide the Armenian nation.

If this type of behavior continues here this movement will only stay on the fringes or Armenian society, and will never be accepted by the common folk. Thus, if you want to be taken seriously, and heard by the entire nation, then assess and weigh how you want to present this movement to the nation. I personally know allot of well educated well connected Armenians who support the political/national stances of this movement, but they stop themselves from taking you seriously due to this type of anti-Christian rhetoric.

Armenians owe Christianity their entire existence. Thank God we converted to Christianity when we did - had we not, we would have been a bunch or Yezdis or Kurds today. Our art form, our script, our music, our architecture, our national identity, our everything, was preserved within the numerous Christian monasteries of the Armenian Highlands.

Whether you like it or not, whether you see it or not, our form of Orthodox Christianity is deeply rooted within our national culture and, as a result, Christianity cannot be weakened within our nation without weakening our national identity. Anti-Christian attacks only serve to hurt our national identity and divide our nation.

Paganism will not save us today, it never did in the past. Paganism will not unite us today, it never united us in the past. Aggressively pushing the Pagan factor today will only serve to fragment our vulnerable people. This movement needs to be mature enough to realize this simple fact.

Personally, I embrace our form of Orthodox Christianity as an evolution of our Pagan legacy. To me Christ is Mihr; Mariam is Anahid; and God is Aramazd. I see Zoroaster and Buddah as Christ's direct predecessors. As such, one can respect and appreciate our Pagan heritage without attacking Christianity.

The number one enemy of Christendom today is Zionists, Socialists, Liberals and Globalists. Remember that next time member here decide to attack Christ.

Քրիստոս Յարյաւ Ի Մեռելոց
Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:

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Postby Armanen on Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:25 pm

Armenian wrote:Administration:

Please realize that this type of <<globalist>> sponsored anti-Christian commentary only manages to divide the Armenian nation.

If this type of behavior continues here this movement will only stay on the fringes or Armenian society, and will never be accepted by the common folk. Thus, if you want to be taken seriously, and heard by the entire nation, then assess and weigh how you want to present this movement to the nation. I personally know allot of well educated well connected Armenians who support the political/national stances of this movement, but they stop themselves from taking you seriously due to this type of anti-Christian rhetoric.

Armenians owe Christianity their entire existence. Thank God we converted to Christianity when we did - had we not, we would have been a bunch or Yezdis or Kurds today. Our art form, our script, our music, our architecture, our national identity, our everything, was preserved within the numerous Christian monasteries of the Armenian Highlands.

Whether you like it or not, whether you see it or not, our form of Orthodox Christianity is deeply rooted within our national culture and, as a result, Christianity cannot be weakened within our nation without weakening our national identity. Anti-Christian attacks only serve to hurt our national identity and divide our nation.

Paganism will not save us today, it never did in the past. Paganism will not unite us today, it never united us in the past. Aggressively pushing the Pagan factor today will only serve to fragment our vulnerable people. This movement needs to be mature enough to realize this simple fact.

Personally, I embrace our form of Orthodox Christianity as an evolution of our Pagan legacy. To me Christ is Mihr; Mariam is Anahid; and God is Aramazd. I see Zoroaster and Buddah as Christ's direct predecessors. As such, one can respect and appreciate our Pagan heritage without attacking Christianity.

The number one enemy of Christendom today is Zionists, Socialists, Liberals and Globalists. Remember that next time member here decide to attack Christ.

Քրիստոս Յարյաւ Ի Մեռելոց

Amen. United we stand, divided we fall!
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Postby osttruppen on Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:01 am

Armenian wrote:Administration:
Personally, I embrace our form of Orthodox Christianity as an evolution of our Pagan legacy. To me Christ is Mihr; Mariam is Anahid; and God is Aramazd. I see Zoroaster and Buddah as Christ's direct predecessors. As such, one can respect and appreciate our Pagan heritage without attacking Christianity.

The number one enemy of Christendom today is Zionists, Socialists, Liberals and Globalists. Remember that next time member here decide to attack Christ.

Քրիստոս Յարյաւ Ի Մեռելոց

Agree. Wise words.
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Postby Ararat on Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:30 pm


First of all i would like clarify some points.

This is a free board, and everybody can have his point of view on every subject. A user can not be banned and a post can not be deleted just because of his ideas.

By giving this freedom of speach the board administration would like to see some obligations respected by the users.

- No incitation of violence or hate propaganda.
- When posting some materials from the internet by copy/pasting a URL link should be given. The material is advised to quote and the author should give some commentaries about the material in question. This board should not become a place where the whole Net is copy/pasted and no any user has his own opinion.
- The posts in this board don't reflect the official position of ArArO. So the posts should not be regarded as discreditising or helping the ArArO. If we begin to look at every post from this point of view then we will be completly restricted. Our goal is not that. Our goal is to find the Truth, so disputes are needed.
Technicaly there is no problem for creating another board not directly linked to ArArO but we don't see the necessity yet.
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Postby Ararat on Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:50 pm


Please give links, also make quotation just to make distinction what is your point of view and what is copied.
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Postby Ararat on Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:22 pm


The AAO is not considering Bible as a God's Book. It is a religious book as Koran, Avesta or Rigveda

First of all AAO is not accepting the idea that one nation is more loved by God than other nations.
So if the standart Nicean form of christianity is forcing a man to believe in such idea then we can not accept this.

We are saying that the Armenian Church should change his attitude toward the Old Testament that should no be considered part of their official doctrine.

Personaly i am not considering myself as a Pagan, i don't believe in multiple gods. I believe in unique God-Astvatz-Ararich.
Restoring Paganism in his antique form is meaningless. Making it an official religion is inutile in essence.

Today's antichristian rhetoric that is rising in Armenia is the result of the profound crisis in which we get in 1915 till now. We loose almost everything we have, we loose a great part of our culture and teritories. It is evident that after all this defeats people begin to question Christianity.

I think the new generation of Armenian intellectuals should understand that something SHOULD be changed. We cannot ignore this protests

AAO is proposing the changes that are needed. I personally know some priests who completly agree with this point of view...
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Postby Ararat on Wed Apr 11, 2007 2:37 pm

In general i think that the Aryan identity is sufficient.

I think an Aryan don't need to be a 'christian' , 'muslim' or something else. Believing in unique God is sufficient to unite all Aryans.

I respect Christ's ideas, as i respect Buddha's ideas or Confucias. But an Aryan does not need to make from them a SPECIAL cult, an idole that everybody should worship as a true God. I cannot accept such attitude.

This is my point of view.

As for rituals and other parts of allday life, i think each nation can have his loved rituals for everyday purposes.

As for the Christianity. In the past christianity was the sole global religion so armenians have no any choice that to adobt it. It was a global mainstream so we cannot fight it.
Today's Global mainstream is not christian, it is Liberal-Democratic.
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Postby DHyeJoe on Wed Apr 11, 2007 3:01 pm

Armenian wrote:Administration:

Please realize that this type of <<globalist>> sponsored anti-Christian commentary only manages to divide the Armenian nation.

If this type of behavior continues here this movement will only stay on the fringes or Armenian society, and will never be accepted by the common folk. Thus, if you want to be taken seriously, and heard by the entire nation, then assess and weigh how you want to present this movement to the nation. I personally know allot of well educated well connected Armenians who support the political/national stances of this movement, but they stop themselves from taking you seriously due to this type of anti-Christian rhetoric.

Armenians owe Christianity their entire existence. Thank God we converted to Christianity when we did - had we not, we would have been a bunch or Yezdis or Kurds today. Our art form, our script, our music, our architecture, our national identity, our everything, was preserved within the numerous Christian monasteries of the Armenian Highlands.

Whether you like it or not, whether you see it or not, our form of Orthodox Christianity is deeply rooted within our national culture and, as a result, Christianity cannot be weakened within our nation without weakening our national identity. Anti-Christian attacks only serve to hurt our national identity and divide our nation.

Paganism will not save us today, it never did in the past. Paganism will not unite us today, it never united us in the past. Aggressively pushing the Pagan factor today will only serve to fragment our vulnerable people. This movement needs to be mature enough to realize this simple fact.

Personally, I embrace our form of Orthodox Christianity as an evolution of our Pagan legacy. To me Christ is Mihr; Mariam is Anahid; and God is Aramazd. I see Zoroaster and Buddah as Christ's direct predecessors. As such, one can respect and appreciate our Pagan heritage without attacking Christianity.

The number one enemy of Christendom today is Zionists, Socialists, Liberals and Globalists. Remember that next time member here decide to attack Christ.

Քրիստոս Յարյաւ Ի Մեռելոց

Words of gold my friend, words of gold!

Orhnyal E Harutyun@ Kristosi
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Postby artsakh on Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:12 pm


The armenian aryans do not propogate Christianity, that's not their purpose--we have the national Armenian Apostolic Church for that. The Armenian Aryans are race worshippers (azgapasht). It is surprising, that you have been to Armenia so many times, and yet you haven't noticed that there's 1 thing that's lacking among the general public, and that one thing is national ideology. Have you ever even interacted with youth in Armenia? Fortunately, in this regard, the role of the Armenian Aryan Union is incredibly appreciable. What our people need today, I think you would agree, is a national awakening, NATIONAL IDEOLOGY, and the AAU's role is highly commendable. More over, any self-respecting Armenian can relate to such ideology, regardless of whether they're Christian or what not, because, as you have said, the first role of the Church has not been to propogate religion, but national preservation.
<<Երբ իրիկունը գլուխներդ դնեք բարծին որ քնանաք, մի քիչ մտածեք ազգի մասին>>
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Postby osttruppen on Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:30 pm

DHyeJoe wrote:Halleluiah!!!!

That is a jewish word :roll:
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Postby Ararat on Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:03 pm

osttruppen wrote:
DHyeJoe wrote:Halleluiah!!!!

That is a jewish word :roll:

Well it is also used by arameans. In this word there is glorification of gods ' halal elohai'. in reality the semitic word El which means god has aryanic roots and comes from the word Ar. or Aray

I just showed this example for demonstrating that a lot off things that we think are jewish are in reality aryanic.

The other day we were in Metzamor and imagine what we seen? The seven branched candle keeper that is thinked to be purely jewish symbol. In reality in Armenia it was used long before jews came to existence.
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Postby Ararat on Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:48 pm

I would like to tell a story of an alliance. AAO with orthodox christian organisations who were fighting the Social Cart system.

As you know a lot off christian organisations were against this social carts, because it was giving a number to a person. Also on the cart there was a symbol that was considered as the symbol of Ner the Devil.

Some christian organisations decided to fight the 'devil' system that is just another step toward total control of individual liberties. AAO decided to help them with judicial advises and street ralling, and demonstrates that this system is against the Armenian Constitution.

Unfortunatly christian organisations losed this battle, Catholicos recieved the code bar.

AAO was with christians in this battle.

As you see we are ready to cooperate with the Church but the Church must help himself before we can help him. If the church is infiltrated by some suspicious elements who promotes ecumenism, what can AAO do in this situation ?

I understand that in Diaspora the role of Church is very important to preserve the armenian identity. But we must admite that in this modern and technological century the Church cannot have the same importance than in middle ages. Today teenagers are atracted by the Rock, the Rap and mass culture that is swallowing everything in his way. Everyday everyminute the TV, the radio are working against the religions, so we should search new ways to keep our Youth awakened and ready to fight for his freedom and identity.

The understanding of Aryan origins of modern civilisation, the understanding of whole waves of deceptions and lies that bring us on the verge of complete civilisational disaster is the Key to success. We should admite our previous errors, we should search commonly new ways, we must believe in the Justice and the God if you want.
We must win. We don't have the right to make the same mistakes of the past.

So let respect each other. Let's hear each other and try to understand each other. We are a dozen armenians here, but we are divided almost in very aspeect of the life, the race questions, the religious questions, the politics, the globalisation. 10 armenians and 10 different opinions.

I just want to advise something. The hate toward something is dividing. Even the hate to the devil can divide people, because for everybody the devil can have different representation.

So let's little bit restrict the ANTI language. toward jews/geogians/americans/liberals/communists/zionists/russians/christians/muslims etc etc....

Let's understand Why they exist? Every type of life in this world has a meaning. Why Turks exist? Perhaps it is the result of some strategic error? Let's find the roots of this errors...

If we don't search the roots of errors then we will not find the solution.
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Postby Hayazad on Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:57 pm

I agree with you Ararat, you've spoken correct.
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